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The Reformer: 1w9, 1w2
The Helper: 2w1, 2w3
The Achiever: 3w2, 3w4
The Individualist: 4w3, 4w5
The Observer: 5w4, 5w6
The Loyalist: 6w5, 6w7
The Enthusiast: 7w6, 7w8
The Challenger: 8w7, 8w9
The Peacemaker: 9w8, 9w1

Enneagram 1 Wings


An enneagram 1w9 will tend to be more introverted than a 1w2. They think before they speak to avoid saying something against their morals. Sometimes, a 1w9 takes a long time to make a decision which can make them a bit of a procrastinator. This wing type is better at maintaining relationships.


An enneagram 1w2 tends to be extroverted and outgoing with a warm nature. They are more empathetic and understanding than a 1w2 and feel inclined to help the people around them. 1w2s can be excellent problem-solvers but a little more critical and controlling.

Enneagram 2 Wings


An enneagram 2w1 is inclined to help people but is more concerned with providing the proper help that meshes with your morals. Their goal is to be seen as someone others can depend on and a responsible figure. With this wing, they can be more critical of themselves and have trouble expressing their needs.


Enneagram 2w3's are more ambitious and image-conscious than the 2w1. They can be very extroverted and more inclined to connect with the people around them. 2w3s can be excellent leaders because they are competitive and like to be seen as experts.

Enneagram 3 Wings


Enneagram 3w2s are charming and persistent, making excellent entertainers or salespeople. They crave attention from the people around them, but they can get angry or aggressive if they don't receive it. Though they want to be recognized for their achievements, they still help others.


An enneagram 3w4 cares more about staying authentic to yourself than a 3w2. This can feel confusing to them because their dominant type is more of a social chameleon, while your wing type values being seen as unique. They may pretend to be someone for a crowd but feel conflicted because they know it is not authentic.

Enneagram 4 Wings


A 4w3 wants to be unique and the best because they have competitive energy. Because of the three wing's influence to be image-conscious, they can be more aware of dialing back their emotional intensity than a 4w5. Also, they want to be different but socially accepted.


4w5s are more introverted. They have unique artistic interests because they are attracted to the avant-garde and eccentric. They value being different from others but have less need to be noticed than a 4w3.

Enneagram 5 Wings


An enneagram 5w4 is more sensitive. Sometimes they can come off as more self-absorbed. They are more independent as both type fives and fours do not mind being alone. They have creative and eccentric personalities and are often drawn to the unusual.


An enneagram 5w6 tends to be more anxious and cautious, influenced by both types. However, they often have a more social life than the 5w4 and may find it easier to be loyal to people they care for deeply. They are aware of their fears, so they surround themselves with people. A 5w6 can also sometimes come off as socially awkward.

Enneagram 6 Wings


A 6w5 is more introverted, self-controlled, and intellectual than a 6w7. They often surround themselves with leaders and others who share the same values. They enjoy their privacy and are sometimes seen as aloof because of the five wing influence.


An enneagram 6w7 can be playful and entertaining. They are much more outgoing and adventurous for a dominant type six but not as risky as a dominant type seven. Since sixes often feel anxious, they always have a backup plan if their adventures go wrong.

Enneagram 7 Wings


An enneagram 7w6 is more settled than rambunctious. They take more time to work on projects before moving on, so their pace is slower than a typical type seven. They may have an easier time committing to relationships than a 7w8.


A 7w8 can appear reckless because of their quick pace and competitive, bold attitude. When expressing their ideas, they can be assertive and even get aggressive when others disagree. The seven wing can help a type eight prioritize having fun over gaining power.

Enneagram 8 Wings


Enneagram 8w7s are more outgoing, energetic, and fun. They are ambitious and determined to impact others but can make impulsive and reckless decisions. They like to make the most out of opportunities and live to the fullest.


An enneagram 8w9 is typically more organized and prepared than an 8w7. They can be easier to approach and more cooperative with others. The 9 wing can help a type eight to be an excellent mediator and to refrain from forcing their desires.

Enneagram 9 Wings


An enneagram 9w8 can often feel conflicted because type nines avoid anger, while the eight wing can influence it. They can be more confident while also having stubborn and passive-aggressive tendencies. They have more access to feelings of anger to express their emotions openly when there is conflict.


An enneagram 9w1 has a stronger sense between right and wrong to focus on accomplishing their goals. Unlike a 9w8, they are more introverted and critical toward themselves than others. Their one wing can also make them more likely to participate in efforts to promote justice and fairness.